
About Vaarie

Vaarie (वारि) hi has a beautiful meaning in Vedic Sanskrit that means water, the most prized natural resource and probably the most precious one too. It is with these exact same values that we bring you the natural cotton garments with modern fabric innovation promising health, comfort, care and safety.

We started this journey few months back in Silicon Valley, our home base for many decades now by designing face covers for everyone, in partnership with a leading 100% cotton garments manufacturer in India for best quality, keeping our customers i.e. yourselves in mind. For incorporating modern innovation, we are collaborating with a Swiss technology to jointly deliver best value and quality at affordable prices.

We’re very humbled by the positive feedback that we’ve received from all quarters in run up to the upcoming launch of our e-commerce store. We look forward to your support, feedback, guidance and inputs on other products that’d be launching in addition to the face covers.

We hope that you enjoy Vaarie’s eco-friendly and 100% recyclable products starting with our face covers. We’ve gone through rigorous testing for the required certifications from the internationally recognized labs that we shall be publishing on the respective product pages.

Our customers are our true North Star and we’re hoping to build this partnership with you by relying on you to be our eyes and ears. I truly welcome your feedback and please reach out to Team Vaarie at nat@vaarie.com for your inputs and feedback.

Make a difference
